upcoming Album!
Dear Camilla

I’m thrilled to share that I’m making a second album entitled “Dear Camilla”! It was a tremendous experience to record Violin Alone in 2021 - recording at Skywalker Ranch and working on some of my favorite repertoire was a wonderful experience.

After completing the album, I spent some time writing and then performing a show that I call “Dear Camilla.” In the program, I share letters to my former teacher, the late Camilla Wicks, and play music that she taught me or played herself during her illustrious career. Through this combination of writing and performing music, I reflect on legacy, loss, and what it means to be both a student and a teacher. Writing and performing this show was a wonderful creative challenge, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to immortalize this personal and meaningful project in recording.

This recording is particularly special for two reasons:
1)I’m collaborating with Australian pianist Jennifer Hou. We toured Australia in August of 2023, and she’s not only a phenomenal musician, she is a close friend and an important collaborator in the creation of  “Dear Camilla.”

2) I’ll be recording this album on Camilla Wicks’s violin, which I now play in all of my performances. It was made by Arthur Edward Smith in Sydney, Australia, in 1959. Creating this recording in her memory, while playing her violin is an opportunity special to me beyond measure.

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